February 3rd 2020

Evening meeting starter HERE

EHT January Newsletter HERE

January 20th 2020

Evening meeting starter HERE

November 18th 2019

Evening meeting starter HERE

ROTM HERE, thank you Dave Cropp (Deception Island in the Antarctic)

October 14th 2019

Evening meeting starter HERE

ROTM HERE thank you Peter Weddell–Hall

Thank to Dr Malcolm Butler (of UKOGL–UK Onshore Geophysical Library) who talked on the evidence from seismic surveys around the Martley and Midlands area.  Malcolm has a website with real in depth analysis of the results from bore holes and seismic surveys, free to use for educational purposes.  This work is a tribute to his and his team’s diligence in saving and making accessible, records from many sources that might well have been lost had be not acted. HERE is a link to a presentation he gave on the UKOGL database.

April 29th 2019

Evening meeting starter HERE

March 18th 2019

Evening meeting starter HERE  with details of forthcoming opportunities–meetings, trips, projects.

February 11th 2019

Evening meeting starter HERE with details of forthcoming opportunities–meetings, trips, projects.

January 21st 2019
Evening meeting starter with details of forthcoming opportunities–meetings, trips, projects.

November 2018
Annual retrospective along with evening meeting starter, Donny’s Alpine tempter and Geoff’s ROTM

October 15th 2018
Evening meeting starter with details of possible trips to Tenerife, to France and of summer work parties and many other plans for the future

March 2018
Evening meeting starter
Moira’s presentation on UK Onshore Geophysical Library (UKOGL)
Here is Moira’s text to go with the above presentation:

January 2018
Evening meeting starter

November 2017
Rock of the Month–Kay shared her great enthusiasm and powers of deduction in deciding exactly the type of an attractive rock found years ago in mid Scotland.  HERE is her presentation.

Kay’s Squiggly Rock Doorstop

HERE is this week’s starter (with Xmas Dinner menu) and at the AGM a retrospective for the year was show, find it HERE

Two important resource sites were noted:  during the meeting, the UK Onshore Geophysical Library HERE .  Visit this site, put the place you are searching for in the search box, the map will zoom to that place, you can view it full screen (OK so then you have to input the search again; once zoomed in click on a line, images on the table that appears then view and a graphic of seismic results will appear–best to fiddle with the site, lots on it.

The second resource that many of you might know but I didn’t, is Google Scholar HERE. Search for anything here, you can go really mad, so much information

October 2017
A short interesting talk and excellent film of the total solar eclipse seen by Sue Olver in Jackson’s Hole, Wyoming, 21st August 2017.  HERE is a blog about the event (not by Sue) but here are three prints from her film (which itself is too large to upload here):

Eclipse nearing totality

Totality with solar flares

The Diamond Ring as the sun re-emerges

Evening meeting starter

September 2017
Evening meeting starter

March 2017
ROTM by Alan Bates on contact metamorphism in Maddocks Hill Quarry in Shropshire, near the Ercall.  HERE are some notes that Alan prepared.
Evening meeting starter

February 2017
ROTM  was a demonstration using the projector
Evening meeting starter

Bob Allison’s China Blog
Bob taught geology at Chantry School, Martley for eons, inspired generations of youngsters and is a friend and founding member of TVGS.  Read Bob’s ongoing adventures in China (where he is spending a year or so), noted from a geological point of view  HERE

November 2016
ROTM Ian Pennell
Evening Meeting Starter with Links
BCGS Newsletter Dec 16

April 2016
ROTM  Owain and Kim Bell
Evening Meeting Starter with Links
Link to CASP and to Dr Kershaw’s site Earth Surface Processes

March 2016
Val Preston
Evening Meeting Starter including Links

February 2016
ROTM Alan Bates
Geology Pictures from Marli Miller
Speleothems from Prof. Ian Fairchild
Ask Geo-Man a question
An old favourite–Sand Atlas
Earth’s Rarest Minerals Catalogued