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Library (updated October 2020)

As there are no meetings, obviously the Library can’t operate as normal.
If you’ve any books or DVDs on loan, please hang on to them till meetings resume.
With Covid-19, the top priority has to be everyone’s safety and keeping to government
guidelines. At this time public libraries are offering a Click and Collect service and the
TVGS Library can offer a modified version of this, Covid permitting.

Covid-19 and library requests

  • Check out the library lists and email your request to Hilary the librarian at
    [email protected] or [email protected].
  • Requested items are put in a paper carrier bag and quarantined for 72 hours, minimum.
  • Items are ‘Collected’ from car boot at a public car park: possible locations are Martley–Memorial Hall, Morrison’s–car park in Malvern, Co-op–car park in Bromyard, The Range–car park in St Johns
  • Car park location, date and time (probably early evening) agreed by email.
  • Items collected: with face coverings worn, social distancing observed and sanitiser on hand.
  • Loans are for at least 3 months and can be renewed as long as no one else has requested the item.
  • You can borrow up to 4 books and 2 DVDs at the same time.
  • Returned items are quarantined for 72 hours.
  • If Lockdown, further government restrictions or Covid complications occur; hold on to any library items

The library is for everyone and books and DVDs can be borrowed as long as we have contact details of an email or phone number.  All items need booking out and booking back in. Normally items are loaned from one meeting to the next. If nobody else has requested the item, the loan can be extended: please check with librarian.

Library lists
Click on links for the lists of Books, maps and pamphlets and also for DVDs.If you wish to reserve anything email Hilary .  If clicking doesn’t open your email programme, simply right click on Librarian and copy the email address to your email message address bar.

The archive includes a growing collection of historical local items. Items are available for loan: email the librarian with advance notice so that items can be retrieved from the cupboard.


We are grateful for offers of donations but can’t take everything and obviously we’re limited for space. We’re interested in attractive geology books and particularly books on the local geology. We treat donations the same as other library items, so they may be withdrawn from stock when no longer wanted.


We run a “box of books” book sale alongside the library.  Items for sale are titles no longer wanted in the library, as we make space for new additions. We also sell some donated titles. At present we are selling surplus stock from the Earth Heritage Trust, following a rationalisation of their library books. Prices are often only £1.00 or £2.00, and proceeds in this case are split between the EHT and TVGS.  To keep the operation manageable, there is no list of sale books.