TVGS is to exhibit once again at the GA annual festival (3rd November, UCL Gooch Street–near Euston), and we asked Arthur for some information on the Knighton mapping project. He provided two Power Point shows, HERE and HERE to introduce those to the project who do not know about it and to give the current status Progress Report-2nd Half of 2018 HERE Article for Earth Matters by Dr Arthur Tingley written August 2017 HERE Progress Report –Knighton Map Sheet 180 October 2016, Arthur Tingley We are coming towards the end of the 2016 mapping season, and I thought it useful to do a quick review or progress and issues to show how we are getting along, where the pinch points are and what can be done about it. A lot has been happening across the board; It was an uncertain start to the mapping season, but by reviewing the work of each surveyor as shown below I have realised that we have moved on a very long way and we remain on target. I have been distracted a bit by organising additional aspects of the work but the whole corpus has distinctly moved forward very well as a result such that I have been able to allocate new areas for survey , and with excellent co-operation from the Woolhope/U3A/EHT organised by Moira Jenkins some critical ‘ zoning’ work has been done through co-ordinated fossil hunting expeditions. Other opportunities have arisen, like the sudden arrival of the Elan Valley Aqueduct Project, and Cambridge University Library finally tracking down the thesis by Nancy Kirk. Also I have been able to link up with Joe Botting and Lucy Muir who have been studying the area on the Western Edge of the map near Llandegeley Rocks, mostly from a Palaeontological point of view. They are helping by putting names to graptolites, and providing a little extra input to find identify localities. Robin Cocks [BMNH] has sent me his research material on the Llandovery of the area around Nash. Also Rhian Kendal of BGS, had been allocated a bit of field time to survey H1, but has made little progress to date due to other duties. On the whole BGS is a passive ‘partner’, although I was approached earlier in the year to co-host a meeting of the Ludlow Research Group, however the progress of the mapping project has priority over a field trip which would divert our meagre resources. BGS Archives, have been quite helpful in sourcing the surrounding area field slips, and it is now established that there is no other pertinent information apart from Borehole Records that we can rely upon for our investigation, but I do have to go to Keyworth to get it. [Stop press, at of the time of writing, 16th October 2016, an e-mail dated of March 2016, has been passed on to me from TVGS from David Bate of BGS – offering his field slips for the NE corner of the map, with bibliography – my maxim that information is like treacle still holds]. Both Neil Raha and Ingrid Darnley are out of action, and have not been able to progress their sheets, and so I shall be considering how to best get those areas done now, something will turn up it usually does. The general status [based upon a best guess from conversations] of each of the 1:10 000 sheet areas is as follows:
Looking at the progress of each of the surveyors sheet areas: I have finished the survey of Radnor Forest RF3 and 4 , except that I still have to get a fix on the time zone around the north eastern edge of the map. A sample of rock is with the Natural History Museum for micropalaeontological analysis. I also am awaiting the detailed notes from Alan Wyatt to the North of RF to see how the sequence fits together. The Palaeontological ‘Team’ has undertaken a number of very productive searches and that has resolved the outstanding uncertainties that I did have. I can now start to build a fair copy hypothesis map of most or Radnor Forest, but the relationship with rocks beneath and to the east and west of the hills remain sketchy. To the east I am relying upon work done by Paul Bate and to some degree by Nancy Kirk, but I would prefer to replicate some of her observations to be safe. So then I began to map RF1 and 2, thinking that it would probably be too difficult to get it all done this year, but then surprised myself and have been able to move it on very well in recent weeks and for the most part have been able to map most of it, I still need to sit down quietly to write it all up carefully, to identify any gaps in my knowledge. On RF1 and 2 there is a strong disjunction between Silurian and Ordovician Rocks, the later which turn out to be a thick sedimentary sequence of volcaniclastic rocks [tuff] and lava, but this is quite difficult going ground mostly on foot, but so very different from the geology we are seeing on the rest of the sheet. However rock type becomes an issue here, as fine grained igneous rock and tuff can be quiet difficult to differentiate without a microscope, so I am looking for quick and cheap ways to make up petrological slides. Once that is done I will then turn my attention to H1.
Apparently igneous , with warped columnar joints, the point shown is the dip given on the OT Jones survey, but if this is a tuff then the bedding might be more as shown in foreground. Also I have been monitoring the progress of the Elan Valley Aqueduct Project at Bleddfa, the Site Engineer has allowed me to visit regularly , and has kept me informed of drilling conditions. The best rock though is not out of the tunnelling machine as there is no rock face to see, its just ground up slurry coming out of the tunnel. The best part is the rock which was broken out to get the tunnelling machine in and out. This had me puzzled for a while as it looks like Bailey Hill Formation, which came out first, then dark microlaminated flags [Knucklas Castle Formation] …. But that is apparently the wrong way around. Has the BHF been moved from somewhere else ? that is quite possible of course. But then I spent some time hammering a pile of rocks and discovered that this material appears to be younger, as indeed it should be [principle of superposition] and so is there a facies just above the Knucklas Castle Formation that reverts to a BHF type faces! Significantly this material also contains a ‘gingerbread’ rock light rich reddish brown, perhaps little flushes of terrestrial material that I am seeing elsewhere in younger rocks.
Bottom of piles on Dark microlaminated siltstone – 8 metres below the surface
The first out of the trench – Bailey Hill Formation ?? Note that the cobble is rounded. The EVA have also provide me with all the site investigation reports for this site and around Knighton, where I notice that they are still drilling, so it’s worth popping in to have a quick look whilst the opportunity exists. Forestry Commission Wales are still stripping trees in the area, and this continues to provide lots of opportunities to get at fresh exposures. Paul Bate started the year with a broken ankle and was back surveying by mid year, and indeed finished off his sheets PR1 and 2. Samples and photographs demonstrate that there is clear variation in the microlaminated facies, indeed it may be possible to demonstrate that the equivalent to the BHF just fizzles out … thus we would be talking about lobes of sandy material in places, and not in others, so not quite a delta but fingers of sediment running east to west. Paul is now looking in particular now for evidence of exposures of Wenlock Mudstone, a particularly gooey material when it was aid down as it seems to be stretched and wrinkled at the time of deposition. We have now agree that once that is finished then he will go on to survey BH1 and 2. Adrian Wyatt, has also made very good progress, most of the sheet H2 has been covered, and again he is looking at detail, and I have allocated a further sheet to him BH4. In particular he has found a lot of evidence for the ‘ Pontesford Disturbance’ and it would seem to come a lot closer to the northern edge of the Radnor Forest than previously supposed.. He has proved the existence of ‘Platyschima’ on the northern edge of RF, and that nails it for me, the top of the Hills there expose Pridoli as I expected.
View along the Pontesford Disturbance from near Penybont [ from West]
Bailey Hill Formation vertical in the core of Pontesford Disturbance He also reports green micaceous sandstone, but probably not quite where I was expecting it, and so I can’t wait to see his field slips, photos and samples to make sense of that. Mike Brooks, has completed a large proportion of BU1 and CL2 , and we reviewed some of his findings, indeed I followed in his footsteps to do one part of a traverse, and yet again that intriguing rock type …’gingerbread’ made another appearance. Here the Bailey Hill Formation has been mapped to north [Montgomery] but it does not look like it does to the west of our sheet. There is some more work to be done here to try to differentiate these rock types, and especially mark up the field slips so that we can be clear about what has been observed. Again, this is a question of not jumping to conclusions about a rock name before we have the evidence, photos, samples etc. In order to assist in the clarification , Mike has extended his area of Survey a little further to the West onto KN2. This is complicated territory in the vicinity of the Church Stretton Fault , lots of woods and vales, but already we don’t appear to agree with the structure posited by Stamp in 1918, but then we have the advantage of more recent surveys to the North, and google earth. Most of Mikes photographs are on the Knighton Map System , and demonstrate the dramatic scenery, and is very helpful at getting an overview of the area, however to make sense of all of that the field slips are being compiled with all the data on them. This became most apparent to me when I did a lightning trip to one of his traverses, as I found that I could not interpret the 3D relationships from the screen without going into the field. John Mosley, has been staying in the area of Lingen for a week here and there with his wife, and they were doing that again this October . Whence he will probably have finished off the sheets HA1 and PR3. If so, and he is willing then he could move on to take over KN1 and 2 in order to progress those, but that’s still to be discussed. John has been able to find some of the channels reported by McWhitaker , and also confirm some of his own earlier mapping around Pedwardine, the area is seriously lacking in a lot of exposure, but there is enough, and a few opportune excavations have helped things forward here. So, he is anticipating writing up his mapwork before the end of this year. We have delayed the review of his work until November so as not to miss the best weather in October for his field work. Allan Hughes and Sue Chester have been able to make good progress on PR4, and we again are awaiting an opportunity to undertake a review of their work, probably in November. As mentioned Moira Jenkins along with John Payne and various parties from the Woolhope Club and Malvern U3A, have undertaken a series of day trips around Radnor Forest, with teams of up to 12 people searching for fossils at specific sites where I needed to try to pin down a time zone. In all they have found around 100 graptolites and other assorted fossils. All the findings have been significant one way or another, even when they found no fossils. Identification of the graptolites has proved to be a problem, David Loydell at Southampton University is the current ‘expert’ in this field, he is very helpful but busy, to date he has fired photographs to Russia for identification.. Which is nice, but it’s a bit odd, all the expertise is dwindling away. On the other hand Lucy Muir now has the photographs and is taking them with her on her trip to Beijing University where she and Joe Botting work from time to time in winter. Otherwise Caroline Buttler at Cardiff Museum has been batting my fossil enquiries all over the world for indentifications. So this leaves two areas which need to be worked upon one way or another, KN1 is relatively easy as this was the area surveyed by Holland in detail, so its mostly a question of repeating and checking some of his observations , and adding some where new exposures have occurred. The northern margin BH3 and KN2/ CL1 remains a little bit of a problem for the moment, I shall visit Keyworth to copy the field slips for the overlap from Montgomery during November, and then see how much work needs to be done on it. So two jobs to pass over until next year. In summary, I am clear that we have a lot of data in hand and this needs to be plotted onto the respective [original] field slips, with notes and photographs [on CD which I can supply you with] and perhaps a few rock samples as needed. So I am hoping that you will each do that work during Winter and be on a position to provide me with the your evidence and observations on paper by the end of February 2017 , whence we said that we would meet up. I would hope next year to be in a position to draft a hypothesis map for each of the 10 000 sheet areas, which we can then check, but once I have finished H1. Then I would like to spend the year visiting each of the sheet areas to check the lithology and get the sequence and variability right across the map. At then end of next year we might then have all the data compiled ready to draft out the 1:25 000 scale fair copy map, leading to drafting the 1:50000 scale during next winter.
View of the ‘ eastern half’ of the map area from Whimble – Bucknell to extreme left distance, the hills are the Church Stretton Fault zone – passing to right at Dolyhir. View overlooks the Walton ‘Basin’ in foreground. Knighton Map Group –March Meeting 2016 meeting notes

Thank you all for coming to the meeting at Martley, I hope that you found it as useful and enlightening as I did. Also thank you for the smooth running, and the frequent supply of Tea, Coffee and Biscuits. These are not minutes but notes so that we remember what happened and what we said that we would do, if you want to add anything please do so. We noted the Adrian and Ingrid could not be with us, and so they will also need to know what happened. We noted ACT, PB, MB, JM, SC, AH,NR, MJ present Neil nominated himself as official meeting photographer, and hopefully will be able to illustrate some of the points made below, for the benefit of those not present etc. Dave Cropp came around and took a group photograph, then we got down to business. I described my survey method and progress on the Radnor Forest Sheets. I have more or less sampled most of the 4 sheets making up coverage of the Radnor Forest Area, supplemented by observations made by PB to the east. I do await observations to the North AW, and some palaeontological details [MJ] and some additional specific results from microfossils and petrology for other sources. I observed that I now have a complete set of notes, field slips, with borehole data from the BGS site, samples and photographs for my area, and my next step will be to start sketching out the fair copy on the 2.5 inch. I have started to test for ‘sense ‘ by drafting cross sections to explore some possible ideas on interpretation, which in turn have prompted a series of questions that I can now go out and answer with targeted visits. Whilst thoughts on that brew… I can now move on for this year’s survey work I need to move west towards Llandegley to cover the next set of maps, but also I will need to augment my observations to the South and South East of RF. I have [with PB] driven over the unallocated map areas to assess the scale of the task, and have some leads for the area around Llanbister, but will need to allocate the area around Black Hill [NW corner of the sheet] at some stage. We also viewed a ‘rock column’, I set out some rocks in chronological order, we viewed the facies that are represented which suggest some rock name classifications, but also poses some questions relating to the variability of facies, and the scarcity of fossil evidence, but showed that the evidence is there. We noted the difficulty in finding graptolites but recognised that they are there, somewhere. Also we also looked at the correlation charts, and where these come from. We then went on and looked at the value of the Virtual Rock Atlas as a tool of communication between us, and we all undertook to populate it. MB demonstrated how it can be used at a de-minimus by putting on location numbers and dip readings, and contributing photos and notes later as time allows. I commented that words are generally inadequate, and rarely recognisable in the field, and that a good image, in the form of a rock atlas [to which we are all contributing] is a considerably better way of communicating and recognising patterns of rock types and slowly the facies characteristics emerge. So whilst the primary objective is to capture data and record it on the hard copy field slip, field notes etc. the best means of helping us all to see the pattern emerge is to use the Virtual Rock Atlas as a form of assurance, and comparison. There were brief chats about the importance of a unique location reference number to which everything relates [rocks, photos, notes etc] ; help, hindrances and interest coming from various quarters and the role of BGS. There is a lot of goodwill out there to tap into if used wisely and in a focussed way. Timescale left, namely fair copy interpretation by end of 2017, this means: We are aiming to get the bulk of the initial survey for most of the map area completed during 2016, and any detail surveying to resolve interpretation during 2017. The body of data that we amass must not then go into a black hole, but be made available through the map [to be published] and explanatory booklet, field guide, walk guide, rock atlas both hard and virtual copies to maximise the transparency and accessibility of the information and our interpretation of it. We all recognise that we have limited knowledge, skills and abilities, but just from the round table discussion about our progress, we have done a lot more than we individually care to admit, the key is to try, record what you see methodically, and the pattern will only slowly emerge, that’s normal. If there is nervousness about what to do and how to interpret it, that is normal, geology is about amassing data and evidence methodically, allowing patterns to emerge and then interpreting and testing it; if you try to rush it, and feel despondent in the process, you are expecting too much of yourself. The key is to observe, risk an interpretation, learn from the process, and build confidence by either failing or not, both are valid. Your primary objective at this phase is to winkle out the data, and even show where the data is not available, the understanding will follow. Future meetings and communications: we probably have not been communicating with each other enough to build team confidence, however we undertook to meet up again formally about the same time next year. During the year we shall use the Virtual Rock Atlas to report findings incrementally [MB will help] and where needed for support and help ACT will meet up locally with individuals to get feedback, results, guidance whatever is needed to help things along. Although you are encouraged to meet up or discuss your thoughts, pair up as needed to help build confidence is your own knowledge. By the end of this year it would be good to be in a position to return some field slips, with notes, photos and if necessary some samples, this can be done incrementally, so that by March 2017 we are in a position to identify the gaps, and need for detailed research and interpretation. Did I forget anything? Thank you to all of you for your continued interest, enthusiasm and support… we are getting there, I continue to be very optimistic that we can do this, so long as the basic data is being recorded at this stage. Arthur Tingley
October 25th
Arthur sent the following words and two attachments:
I am anticipating that some of you are still experiencing some nervousness in describing rock samples, so I have thrown together this little presentation, which if you print out at several to a page could provide a handy pocket aide-memoire in the field (if you stick them to cards!) [albeit in the latest version of Power Point they print too small !!]
Also, amazingly I have found a PDF version of the Maunsel Colour Chart [usually costs about £50] which is usually on card and with holes cut out between the colours , to provide a reference system for rock colour. In our area the choices are quite limited, but it might help a bit.
October 15
Arthur sent in a report for October 15
HERE is a note about progress on the whole project and HERE is a sample traverse note that Arthur uses.
August 2015
from Arthur’s email August 2nd
I hope that your summer is proceeding well, and that despite the rather variable weather conditions that you have been enjoying yourselves, one way or another, at least the rivers are not flowing fast -yet.
Mike Brooks is helping me to put together a ‘rock atlas’ on the Teme Valley GS web site. I will put something up, and then if you would like to add further examples then please do so. He is also working on a way to share some of our surveying we will see more of that no doubt once he has piloted the idea.
I have met up with Paul Bate who has showed me his work to date, and this has helped me to form an opinion of the eastern flanks of my area. He has to date reconnoitered probably 40% of his area. Likewise John Moseley is well on the way towards 40-45% , 50 % probably by the end of the season. Ingrid Darnley too is proceeding well , although as many of you are finding out -navigation in grey rock is not simple ! One of the reasons that I have put together the rock atlas is to underpin observations of some of the subtle variables to look out for.
It would be quite nice to receive a short indication of what you have been able to do , and what your plans for the rest of the year might be. It would be a good idea to perhaps estimate how much of your map area/s will have been finished by the end of this year. Further indicate any problems that you feel that may be preventing progress, or indeed maybe you have finished and want some more to do !
I have been busy, having very nearly completed the surveying of the highland area of Radnor Forest, and am now ready to start mapping the lower levels to the West especially. I have vaguely become aware that the facies change from anoxic to oxic conditions seems to happen around the eastern side of the RF.. probably around Cascob -Discoed. But the fossils seem to be rather rare for the moment.. especially Graptolites.. [The are like London Buses.. you dont see one for ages and then they all turn up together !]
It would be useful to have some idea about your availability for a general meeting to share progress and findings. I will try to interpret the various limitations and come up with a best date for most people.. I assume that Martley would be a good place, but there might be venues to consider. I’m open to yor thoughts. If all else fails due to hols etc then we might do it in Autumn or a series of smaller one to one ish types of meeting.
I am also working on a ‘poster’ for a poster session at the Ludlow Meeting on the 3rd October, and that will capture the headlines of our project, and also have given a brief to the Geologist’s Association Magazine
March 2015
from Arthur’s email March 23rd:
It seems to be all quiet on the western front, I have heard back from 4/9 surveyors that you have received the Guideline for surveyors that I sent out about 10 days ago. So I hope that you did get it; on the other hand if you think that you did not hear from me , then please get in touch and I will end that again.
In that document and the e-mail I mentioned that there would be an appendix of graphical information. Sadly it is too big to by conventional e-mail (but HERE is a link for you to download it is 35MB) so I shall have to send it via a high volume service separately. As always , I shall be pleased to recieve feedback and suggestions for improvement etc.
I hope that you have everything now and subject the vagaries of life etc feel able to get on and as and when the days allow.
February 2015
The second and third survey training events were held at the Knapp Nature Reserve on the 8th October and 15th November respectively; where we discussed the preparation needed for a reconnaissance survey, using the method of ‘ active observation’ to build a mental picture of the geomorphology and anticipate where the sparse exposures might be found. We then went out and undertook a traverse from Suckley back to Alfrick, by routes which cut across the grain of the physiography, making observations on feature , structure and facies types as we went, and methodically noting these on a field slip [map] and notebook. Each traverse has thrown up more detail of the training area, as the vegetation has died back, but each of the events has shown the value of a traverse as a fast means of mapping, and by running a series of traverses a wider area can be ‘sampled’ and interpreted. The final product being geological data which is held on a field slip with notes and photographs and which can be interpreted by other geologists. The traverse from Suckley to Alfrick exposes the full range of strata from Llandovery –Wenlock- Ludlow- Pridoli; thus the whole Silurian succession, a thickness of around 1500 metres seen in a distance of 3km. The Knighton Map exposes these over a distance of about 30 km, albeit the strata are more horizontal, and the thickness greater. The palaeo-environments slowly change from Alfrick through the Ludlow Anticline and on towards Knighton and beyond, and the comparison will be a very useful to have in mind as we eventually examine the paleo-geography from Shelf to Basin. Allocation of Survey Area The Knighton Map sheet has been divided up into 20 1:10 000 sheets, and each of these field slip areas needs to be surveyed. Each sheet has been allocated to a surveyor who is responsible for the work in that area at the reconnaissance stage. As and how the work proceeds further areas will then be allocated to follow on the trend of research. We presently have 9 surveyors. The Map shows the present allocation of survey areas:
I am presently working on ‘Guidelines for Surveyors’, which summarise much of what has been discussed in training sessions and more. This will go out as first draft before the field season starts, and will be refined as we work on the problems and issues that will arise. News In December The Geologists Association, gave a further Award to the Map Project, predominantly to support some micro-palaeontology and excavation of sections. A briefing on progress and potential needs for some assistance and co-operation was held with the Hereford and Worcester Earth Heritage Trust just after their January Board Meeting. The project has their full support and to date we have received a great deal of encouragement and access to data and information. John Payne, Moira Jenkins and The Building Stone Project Team have all been very co-operative, and in turn we will reciprocate. For example, a map produced by Nancy Kirk around 1947 was un-earthed by John Payne. This covers the area to the South of Presteigne, and covers a part of the Church Stretton Fault towards Kington. The original map seems to have gone missing along with the PhD from which it comes. However I have managed to recreate the map onto a1:25 000 sheet, but the detailed key and explanation is missing, and it does need to be resurveyed [Kirk 1947 The Geology of the anticlinal disturbance of Breconshire and Radnorshire; Pont Faen to Presteigne. Unpublished PhD thesis . University of Cambridge….lost ?]. As hinted above, I anticipate that there will be a need to do some micro-palaeontology to clarify relationships, the palaeontology is a little fuzzy, due no doubt to the fact that the lithology is made up of Mud [ See Geological Society ‘Year of Mud’..we are in vogue!], with variations of faunal communities. This will need some specialist help, and I am in touch with the Natural History Museum, in the first instance, about this. This year’s mapping season will be along eventually, and I am hoping that the surveyors will each be able to get out and undertake perhaps one traverse a month or more. It would be worth getting together as a group to review procedures and provide some feedback, perhaps in early Summer, once everybody has done some work on their own. However early results back from last years work is extremely encouraging. UPDATE [20/10/2014] A second survey training event was held at the Knapp Nature Reserve on the 8th October when we discussed the preparation needed for a reconnaissance survey, using the method of ‘ active observation’ to build a mental picture of the geomorphology and anticipate where the sparse exposures that we would expect to find, might be. Then we went out and undertook a traverse from Suckley back to Alfrick, by a route which cuts across the grain of the lithology, making notes of a field slip [map] as we went along.Because the day was forecast to be rough, we elected to travel mostly by car, and so did the survey by a slightly different route than in August, this has the added benefit of allowing more discussion time and consideration of the survey strategy.We now have four areas being surveyed, and we still have to train a further 2 or 3 volunteers who could not attend this or the previous day. However the money for that is getting a bit thin so the strategy now is to complete the training of volunteers [the recruitment phase], by pairing together volunteers to provide the hands on survey experience needed to build confidence and provide an example of the product needed. This will lead to the completion of the ‘allocation of areas’ phase. During 2015 we shall continue with the Reconnaissance Phase, after which we then move in to an ‘Architecture’ phase, logging, paleontology and looking at specific exposures in some detail. Early thoughts for further meetings; probably one inside meeting during winter to develop skills and then perhaps in summer a coach trip running across the map area, for the whole group to get a good overview of the geology and context. At some stage there may also be the need to form a small party to undertake a fossil hunt in specific localities. Basin side rocks of Ludlovian era can seem quite unfossiliferous, in those circumstances, many hands make light work. Introduction to the Knighton Map Project (updated 25th Sept 14)
View South down Harley Dingle from Shepherd’s Well
At the April [2014] meeting of the TVGS members were given an brief introduction to the Knighton Mapping Project by Dr Arthur Tingley, and were invited to become part of the survey team.

The primary objective of the exercise is ultimately to survey the area of the 1:50 000 scale BGS map sheet 180 , at 1:10 000 scale; covering the area around Knighton, through which the upper reaches of the River Teme pass.The work consists initially of a group exercise to build the skills and knowledge needed to undertake a geological survey from scratch. Then individuals registering to carry out work, either individually or in pairs, will receive guidance through workshops and individual support to enable them to participate and contribute their existing and developing skills.The area is large, and although the map has not been surveyed by BGS since 1850, there have been some fragments of survey work by various academics , and some overlap from neighbouring sheets. Nevertheless there is plenty of original surveying to be done. So with a little citizen science, and some self development the tasks involved are not onerous for somebody with a desire to develop their own geological field craft skills. So here is a quite unique opportunity to get involved with some very real and purposeful geological surveying.Arthur Tingley is currently an Associate Lecturer with the Open University, and has tutored a range of Earth Science courses, including ‘ Geological Evidence for Environment Change’, many of the concepts of which are relevant in this activity. He has had a full career spanning all facets of geology , starting off with geological cartography in the old Geological Museum at South Kensington in 1966; and thence Geological Surveying in all its various guises thereafter. During my career I have frequently met geologists and former geological students who are mystified by the process of field mapping, they have learned the theory, maybe tinkered on a exercise, read the books, been on field trips, but cannot take the step to using their own eyes to interpret and describe what they see “ in case it is wrong”. This survey will help to overcome that barrier by building the skills slowly and in a practical way to become confident in your own geological ability, and work in a team on a common problem. The survey is being run on a shoestring, budget, there is just enough money in the kitty to fund a limited number of start-up training events , and the provision of the 1:10 000 field slips. All of that courtesy of the Geologist’s Association and the Open University respectively. However, the biggest cost of a survey is manpower, and so long as a small core of individuals are keen work together informally then the task is feasible. We are aiming to have at least 6-10 regular surveyors working occasionally as the weather time available and life permit. We would hope to finish the survey and prepare a fair copy map within 4 years.