A growing collection of articles from archives (some take time to load):
Martley Geology (LEADER) project
On Miss Phillips Conglomerate, Notes and Figures
Worcestershire Countryside Treasures Part 1, Part 2 (very long documents)
Mystery of The Malverns
Flint Implements from Worcester and Malvern
Martley Pit Papers from Murchison onwards
Coal on The Berrow
1945 Aerial Picture of Martley Rock Site
Notes about Old Kingswood from Tina Jaray
TVGS archive | The archive includes historical items, papers and photos on the local geology. Most items are available for loan. Contact < [email protected]> |
Title | Other information | Date |
Historical items | ||
The founders of geology / Archibald Geikie ; 1st edition , 297 pages | Contains the Transition or Greywacke Formation resolved by Sedgwick and Murchison | 1897 |
Lithograph Roderick Murchison Art Southstone Rock Worcestershire, collection code 226, National Archives serial number 2411643 ; Size: 11.25 x 8.5 inches or 29 x 22 cm ; Certificate of authenticity. Acquired by TVGS November 2014 | Sir Roderick Murchison, the artist, describes the rock as the largest piece of travertine existing in Great Britain | Print date 1861 |
Notes in the Teme Valley / Oliver Baker, Transactions of Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeological Association, 10 pages | Notes on old buldings and churches near Newnham Bridge, with illustrations | 1888 |
Observer’s book of geology / I.O. Evans | Page 89 shows black and white photo of Penny Hill described as ‘sloping rock-bed near Martley, Wilts’ ! | 1968 |
Observations on certain curious indentations in the old red sandstone of Worcestershire and Herefordshire / Jabez Alllies , 132 pages | Jabez Allies of Worcestershire Natural History Society wonders about impressions in local stone and refers to legends and the Deluge, with sketches of rock ‘prints’ | 1835 |
Old stones: notes of lectures on the plutonic, Silurian, and Devonian rocks in the neighbourhood of Malvern / William S. Symonds , 149 pages | Addressed to the members of the Malvern, Woolhope and Cotteswolde Natural History Field Clubs | 1855 |
The old red sandstone / Hugh Miller , 385 pages | Classic Victorian account of fossil hunting in ORS, containing a few fine illustrations and coloured sections | 1882, 23rd ed |
The rocks of Worcestershire / George Roberts , 247 pages | Victorian guide to geology of Worcestershire | 1860 |
Scenic routes and recreation planning: the Teme Valley experiment / Michael C. Dunn , 36 pages | Centre for urban and regional studies, University of Birmingham, Research memorandum No 27, isbn 070440074X | 1973 |
Severn, Wye and Forest of Dean / A. Dorothy Holmes , 100 pages | As her husband Arthur Holmes geologised, Dorothy wrote about and sketched places of interest | 1945 |
Southstone rock and heritage, Worcestershire / T. Winnington , 6 pages | Worcester Diocesan Architectural Society. Illustrated. | 1863 |
TVGS geology | ||
A guide to the geology of Martley / Prepared for the Teme Valley Geological Society | The general geological history is followed by a detailed look at 31 sites, with many photos. (additional copy) | 2013 |
Martley Rock: geodiversity site management plan / Herefordshire & Worcestershire Earth Heritage Trust | Includes site features, educational value, site management, bibliography, soil survey | 2012 |
Martley conservation area appraisal and management strategy / Malvern Hills District Council | An appraisal of the buildings landscape and conservation area in Martley | 2006 |
The Precambrian inlier at Martley, Worcestershire: Martley Rock rediscovered / William J. Barclay, Paul Olver, Sue Hay, Moira Jenkins, John Payne, John Nicklin and Natalie Watkins | Reprinted from the Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists’ Field Club, Herefordshire, Vol. 60. Examination of Martley Rock by local geologists. | 2012 |
File of journal articles to do with TVGS | ||
Report of Leeds Geological Association visit to Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark, pp 27-34 | Includes visit to Martley Rock, the Nubbins and Penny Hill | 2019 |
Mapping the Knighton geological sheet / Arthur Tingley ; Magazine of the Geologists’ Association vol 18, no 4, pp 16 | Report on geological survey of the Knighton Geological 1:50000 BGS sheet 180, involving volunteers from TVGS | 2019 |
Small is beautiful / David Cropp ; Proceedings of OUGS 5 2019, pp 29-33 | Lecture on Martley and the GeoVillage concept from the ‘Music of the earth’ OUGS symposium held at Worcester in August 2018 | 2019 |
Filling the gap: the Knighton 180 mapping project / compiled by Chris Darmon ; Down to earth 104 ; August 2018, p 13 | General update with information from Moira Jenkins and Arthur Tingley | 2018 |
The Knighton Map project / Arthur Tingley ; Earth matters no 14 Dec 2017, pp 6-8 | Report for the Woolhope Club journal describes progress including graptolite hunting to detirmine rock type ages | 2017 |
Martley – a GeoVillage ; GEOExPro December 2016, p 13 | Column describes Martley trailblazing the GeoVillage concept | 2016 |
Martley Village / John Nicklin ; Earth Matters no 9 Dec 2012, pp 2-3 | Report for Woolhope Club on Martley and the surrounding area, the excavation of Martley Rock and bold plans for the future | 2012 |
Local geology articles | ||
A guide to the geology of the Malvern Hills and adjacent areas / W. G. Hardie, Worcestershire Education Committee, pp 1-54 | Includes maps and sections | 1969 |
Major clues in the tectonic history of the Malverns / N. L. Falcon, Geological Magazine vol. 84, pp 229-240 | 1947 | |
The Malvern and Abberley Hills, and the Ledbury District / Theodore Groom, Jubilee volume of the Geologists’ Association Vol 1 pp 698-738 | Includes 5 page list of locally recorded fossils plus map and section | 1899 |
An outline of the palaeogeography of the Birmingham Country / L. J. Wills, Proceedings Geologists’ Association, Vol 46 pp 211-246 | Includes maps | 1935 |
Structural geology of the Malvern, Abberley and Ledbury Hills / C. Phipps & F.A.E. Reeve, Quarterly Journal Geological Society Vol 125 pp 1-37 | Includes maps and sections | 1969 |
The tectonic structure of the Malvern Hills / N.E. Butcher, Proceedings of Geological Association pp 103-123 | Includes photos | 1961 |
Worcester and its region: field studies in the former County of Worcestershire / Worcester Branch of Geographical Association 1974 | Contents include papers listed below, each with clear maps and bibliography | |
The site of Worcester: it’s geology and geomorphology / L. Morris ; pp 24-34 | 1974 | |
River terraces in the area around the City of Worcester / B. H. Adlam, pp 59-68 | 1974 | |
The valley of the Teme – its Pleistocene geomorphology: Part 1 Glacial effects on the course of the uopper Teme / P. Cross, pp 69-77 | Mainly concerned with two major glacial diversions as Downton and at Orleton | 1974 |
The valley of the Teme – its Pleistocene geomorphology: Part 2 The course of the River Teme near Worcester / B. H. Adlam, pp 78-86 | Looks at the effects of glacial lake overspill under 3 headings: the gorge, the gap (at Knightsford Bridge) and the terraces | 1974 |
The geology and geomorphology of the Malvern Hills and their surroundings / L. Morris, pp 87-105 | 1974 | |
Upton Warren: a conservation site / A.V. Venables, pp 110-117 | 1974 | |
Miscellaneous | ||
Frome Valley discovery guide / Herefordshire and Worcestershire Earth Heritage Trust ; isbn 9780954836085 | Informative guide to the geology and landscape of neighbouring valley | 2007 |
The geology of the Marches, Murchison to the modern era. | Brochure for symposium held in Ludlow 2-4 October 2015. Organised by a partnership including the TVGS | 2015 |
Music of the earth | Brochure for Open University Geological Society sympsosium held in Worcester 10-12 August 2018 | 2019 |
An industrial archaelology and geology walk with David Poyner and Gerry Calderbank through former Mamble and Hunthouse collieries / Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark ; H&W Earth Heritage Trust | Located near Newnham Bridge, Mamble and Hunthouse collieries are part of Wyre Forest coalfield and were exploited from medieval times to the 1970s | 2010 |
DVDs | ||
Eichstatt slide show | Andy Priest | 2013 |
Geo sites photos | Andy Priest | 2010 |
Martley Rock photos | Andy Priest | 2013 |
Martely Rock site management plan | H&WEHT | 2012 |
Photos | ||
Penny Hill Quarry – 1998 pics of earth moving machinery. Stromatoporoid specimens | ||
Woodbury Quarry – late 1980s pics of general quarrying | ||
Woodbury Quarry – Carapace of horseshoe crab | ||
The Weir Martley – black & white pic with cows | ||
1945 Aerial view of Martley Pit Quarry – black & white A4 out of focus | ||
Southstone Rock – old black & white post card showing rock & house above it | ||
Geotourism | ||
European Geoparks Magazine: European Geoparks network ; Issues 12, 13, 16 | 2015, 16,19 | |
Arouka Geopark, Portugal | maps, handouts, guides | 2013 |
Kaczawskie Mountains, Poland, land of extinct volcanoes | maps, guides to land of extinct volcanoes | 2013 |
Sitia Nature Park, Crete | maps, biodiversity & ecotourism guides in English | 2013 |