Events, Archived

Mon 15th Prof. Ian Fairchild-Scotland’s Greatest Ice Age MMH Janet 07968379330 £3/£1
Mon 11th Christmas Dinner Dr Tom Sharpe–Captain Scott’s Last Expedition Talbot David 01886 888398 £25
Mon 20th
NOTE the date change from 13th
The Coal Measures of Martley and
, by Dr Bernard Besly
MMH 7.30pm Janet 01886 821061 £3 non members, £1 members
OCT Mon 16th Mountain Building, with Paul Gannon MMH 7.30pm Janet 01886 821061 £3 non members, £1 members
SEP Mon 11th The Plate Tectonics of Welsh Geological History, Dr Nigel Woodcock MMH 7.30pm Janet 01886 821061 Mem £1
Non £3
JUL 24th A series of 6 weekly Geo-Ambles with John Nicklin MMH 5.45 for 6pm John 01886 888318 Free
TBA TBA Evening Geology Course-FIELD TRIP with Dr Paul Olver TBA John 01886 888318 Incl
JUN Thu 8,15,22,29 Evening Geology Course Volcanoes in action – their magmas and minerals Dr Paul Olver PRU 7.30pm John 01886 888318 £35
MAY Thu 25 Evening Geology Course (MORE) Volcanoes in action – their magmas and minerals Dr Paul Olver PRU 7.30pm John 01886 888318 £35
APR Mon 10th Lead Isotopes in Olympic Weymouth Prof. Jane Evans MMH Janet 01886 821061 Mem £1
Non £3
APR Wed 5th Field trip to Southstone Rock and Brockhill Dyke in Teme Valley Prof. Ian Fairchild along with Leominster U3A and TVGS MORE Meet 1.30pm MMH John 01886 888318 Free
MAR Mon 20th Quaternary Conservation in England with Dr Eleanor Brown MMH Janet 01886 821061 Mem £1
Non £3
FEB Mon 20th From Robots to Intelligent Rocks, Monitoring Giant Sediment Avalanches in the Oceans with Dr Esther Sumner MMH Janet 01886 821061 Mem £1
Non £3
FEB 2017 Sat. 4th GEOLAB — a geology introductory day for complete beginners run by the Geologists Association and TVGS MORE MMH John 01886 888318 Adults £10, in Education free
JAN 2017 Mon 16th The Anthropocene with Professor Ian Fairchild MMH Janet 01886 821061 Mem £1
Non £3
DEC Mon 12th Christmas Dinner with Haydon Bailey, Former President of the GA  MENU Talbot David 01886 888398 £20
NOV Mon 21st Mining the Heritage Part 2 with Graham Worton MMH Janet 01886 821061 Mem £1 Non £3
OCT Mon 17th Geology in the Andes with Prof. Donny Hutton MMH Janet 01886 821061 Mem £1 Non £3
SEP Mon 19th Members Evening MMH John 01886 888318 Free
JUN Sat 25th 5.30/6pm An evening with Worcester Male Voice choir in the unique quarry garden of Scar Cottage and a talk (with much tasting, all inclusive) on vineyards and climate change by Prof. RC Selley of Imperial College. Bring your own picnic. Scar John 01886 888318 £12
MAY Sun 22nd 11am Joint West Midlands Butterfly Group and TVGS on a Penny Hill ramble to look at the geology of three key sites, led by Bob Allison, AND to check out signs and sights of rare insects such as the Dingy Skipper Meet 11am Main entrance to Penny Hill quarry P Hill John 01886 888318 Free
MAY Mon 16th Idar Oberstein, gemstone centre, the town and its relationship with its geology, Dr Sue Hay. The GA trip this year will take in this area MMH Janet 01886 821061 Mem £1 Non £3
APR Mon 18th 7.30 Stromatoporoids with Dr Stephen Kershaw MORE MMH/td> Janet 01886 821061 Mem £1 Non £3
MAR Thu 31st 7 week Geology Course and 2 field trips with Dr Paul Olver MORE PRU John 0203 3717647 £40
MAR Thu 24th 7 week Geology Course and 2 field trips with Dr Paul Olver PRU John 0203 3717647 £40
MAR Mon 21st Dr Alan Heward: Exotic rocks and fossils from NE Arabia, glimpses of a former Permian Ocean MMH Janet 01886 821061 Mem £1
Non £3
MAR Thu 17th 7 week Geology Course and 2 field trips with Dr Paul Olver PRU John 0203 3717647 £40
MAR Thu 10th 7 week Geology Course and 2 field trips with Dr Paul Olver PRU John 0203 3717647 £40
FEB Thu 25th 7 week Geology Course and 2 field trips with Dr Paul Olver MORE PRU John 0203 3717647 £40
FEB Thu 18th 7 week Geology Course and 2 field trips with Dr Paul Olver PRU John 0203 3717647 £40
FEB Thu 11th 7 week Geology Course and 2 field trips with Dr Paul Olver MORE PRU John 0203 3717647 £40
FEB Mon 8th Prof. Ian Fairchild: From the Depths: How Cave Deposits tell us about Past Environments and Climates MMH John 0203 3717647 £1 Mem; £3 non
JAN 2016 18th Bill Barclay–Feedback on Martley Rock Site and Digs MMH Janet 01886 821061 £1 Mem; £3 non
DEC 7th Xmas Dinner, 7 for 7.30pm, Dr Olver: The Star of Bethlehem Talbot Knightwick Dave Cropp 01886 888398 COST £25
 NOV  23rd Graham Worton: Mining the Heritage  MMH 7.30pm  Janet  01886 821061  £3 non, £1 mem
 OCT  12th Dr Tom Sinclair: Fracking Bio  MMH 7.30pm  Janet  01886 821061  £3 non, £1 mem
 OCT 2/3/4th Symposium15: Geology in the Marches, Murchison to the Modern Era  Ludlow Ass. Rms  Ian  01886 888612  TBC
 SEP 14th David Green of GeoStudies: The East Malvern Fault to Church Stretton  MMH 7.30pm  Janet  01886 821061  £3 non, £1 mem
 JUN 27th Field Trip to BGS Nottingham, TBC MORE  10-4pm  Janet  01886 821061 Free
 JUN 21st 3 Pubs Challenge MORE and MAP AND GUIDE and QUIZ  10am on, Crown Pub  David  01886 888398 Free
 JUN 1st Members Evening  7.30pm MMH  John  0203 371 7647 Free
APR 13th Professor Ian Fairchild Escape from Snowball Earth MORE  MMH 7.30pm Janet 01886 821061 £3 non, £1 mem
MAR 23rd Dr Elizabeth Pearson on The Russian Meteorite MORE  MMH 7.30pm Janet 01886 821061 £3 non, £1 mem
MAR 21st British Geological Society, Nottingham, Family Fun Day MORE Janet 01886 821061 Free
FEB 16th Adrian Wyatt-The Minerals of the Malverns  MORE MMH 7.30pm Janet 01886 821061 £3 non, £1 mem
 JAN 19th Thomas Jones-Fissures and fountains: basaltic volcanic eruptions
 DEC 12th Tom Sharpe–The Geological Map of William Smith and Xmas Dinner
 NOV 17th Prof. David Siveter-The Cambrian Fossils of the Chinese Lagerstatte
 OCT  27th Dr Tim Carter–Geology, Work and Health
 SEP  15th Dr Andrew Bloodworth-The Secret Life of Your Mobile Phone 
 JUL  5th Field Trip to Charnwood Forest with Dr Michael Howe
 APR 18th Field Trip to Fforest Fawr with Alan Bowring
 APR 14th Chalk with Prof.Rory Mortimore
 MAR 17th Escape from Christchurch with Dr Richard Hamblin
 FEB  17th Lecture cancelled due to floods
 JAN  27th  Thomas Jones-The Impact of Volcanic Ash on Aviation
 DEC 9th Dr Paul Olver–Volcanoes in the Solar system 
 NOV 16th Prof. David Siveter–The Silurian Herefordshire Lagerstate 
 OCT 21st Alan Bowring–Lines in the Landscape, the Fforest Fawr GeoPark 
 SEP 23rd Dr Jon Clatworthy-The Lapworth Museum at Birmingham University 
 JUL 6th Field Trip to the Wren’s Nest, Dudley with Graham Worton
 MAY 20th Field Trip to the Lapworth Museum 
 APR 22nd Prof. Gillian Foulger–Plates vs Plumes 
 MAR 18th Dr Gawen Jenkinson–Finding Gold from Solomon Islands to Scotland
 FEB 18th Andrew Jenkinson–From Ice to Fire, Spitzbergen, Iceland and the Galapagos
 JAN 13th Chris Darmon–Iceland