
Title – recently added titles with asterix * Author(s), edition, publication date, isbn Description
*The Alps: a natural companion Paul Gannon, Jim Langley, 2019, 9781913167011 A well illustrated look at the geology, flowers and walks in the Alps
*Arabian plate hydrocarbon geology and potential – a plate tectonic approach Z.R.Beydoun, 1991, 0891810412 Geological histories of oil reserves, includes folded map
*Atlas of invertebrate macrofossils John W. Murray, 1985, 0582300991 Palaeontological Association photographic classification of invertebrate fossil groups
Atlas of structural geology Soumyajit Mukherjee,  2015,  9780124201521 250 colour photos include folds, shear zones, faults, veins, boudins and mullions
Auvergne: classic geology in Europe 2 Peter Cattermole,  2001,  978190354405X Geological guide to Plateau des Domes, Sancy Massif, Cantal Complex & Haute Loire
Basic geological mapping John Barnes,  3rd ed. 1995,  9780471960317 Provides basic guide to field techniques
*Breakthroughs in geology: ideas that transformed earth science by Graham Park, 2019, 9781780460765 Includes recent ideas in geology
*Bristol and Gloucester region: British regional geology G.W.Green, 1995, 3rd ed., 0118844822 British Geological Survey regional guide
Britain beneath our feet British Geological Survey,  2004,  0852724799 Overview of Britain’s land quality, underground hazards, resources and geology
The buildings of England: Worcestershire Alan Brooks and Nikolaus Pevsner,  2007,  9780300112986 Pevsner’s classic guide to architecture
Canary Islands: classic geology in Europe 4 Juan Carlos Carracedo & Simon Day,  2002,  1903544076 Visitors’ guide to the volcanic geology of the 7 main islands of the Canaries
Central England: British regional geology Edmunds and Oakley,  2nd ed. 1958,  no isbn British Geological Survey regional guide
Coal measures forests B. A. Thomas & C. J. Cleal, 1993, 0720003946 Well illustrated booklet on Carboniferous forests and their fossils
A colour atlas of rocks and minerals in thin section W. F. MacKenzie & A. E. Adams,  1994,  9781874545170 An introduction to use of thin sections with good colour photos
Cornwall’s geological heritage Peter Stanier,  2006,  9780906294611 An outline geological history and suggestions of places to visit
Cyprus: classic geology in Europe 7 Stephen Edwards et al.,  2010,  9781903544150 Geological guide to the Troodos Massif and surrounding areas with excursions
The dark side of the earth Robert Muir Wood, 1986,  0045500487 History of plate tectonics and the scientists involved
The dating game Cherry Lewis, 2000, 9781107659599 The story of Arthur Holmes and dating the earth
Death of an ocean (Geological   Borders Ballad) Euan Clarkson & Brian Upton, 2010,   9781906716028 The demise of the Iapetus Ocean and the development of the border area of Scotland
Dictionary of geology Penguin Reference, 2nd ed. 2001,   9780140514940 Concise and informative dictionary for wide audience
Dinosaurs of the Isle of Wight Ed. By David M. Martill et al., 2001,  0901702722 Palaeontological Association guide to dinosaur species found in the coastal cliffs
*The dinosaurs rediscovered: how a scientific revolution is rewriting history Michael Benton, 2019, 9780500295533 Describes the latest fossils and technological discoveries
The dynamic earth, an introduction to physical Geology Skinner & Porter,  2000,  0471161187 The physical geology of the earth with illustrations, maps and tables
The earth: a very short introduction Martin Redfern,  2003,  9780192803078 Fascinating facts on the earth’s history
The earth from space Goodplanet Foundation,  2013,  9780500517215 Over 150 stunning satellite photographs, (very large book in cupboard in MMH)
Earth in 100 groundbreaking discoveries Douglas Palmer,  2011,  9780857385017 Impressive photos with text tell the story of the development of the earth
Earth’s deep history: how it was discovered and why it matters Martin Rudwick,  2014,  9780226203935 Story of the discovery of earth’s immensely long history over the last 400 years
East Anglia and adjoining areas: British Regional Geology C.P.Chatwin, 4th ed. 1961, 0118806661 British Geological Survey regional guide
The ecology of fossils: an illustrated guide Ed. by W.S.McKerrow, 1978, 0715609440 Study of fossils as communities in changing environments over time
The elements of palaeontology Rhona M. Black, 2nd ed. 1988, 9780521348362 Well illustrated and acclaimed textbook for beginners and more advanced students
*Evaporites through space and time Ed. by B.C.Schreiber, S.Lugli & M.Babel, 2007, 9781862392328 Geological Society Special Publication research papers on evaporite deposits
*Farewell, King Coal: from industrial triumph to climatic disaster Anthony Seaton, 2018, 9781780460772 A history of coal and its effects on the earth and its inhabitants
Fossils of the Rhaetian Penarth group Ed. By Andrew Smith, 2001, 090170265X Describes the many fossils in these late Triassic rocks
*Four centuries of geological travel: the search for knowledge on foot, bicycle, sledge and camel Ed. by P.N.Wyse Jackson, 2007, 9781862392342 Geological Society Special Publication on the  complexities of geological exploration
GeoBritannica: geological landscapes and the British people Mike Leeder & Joy Lawlor, 2017, 9781780460604 A geological history of Britain and how this influenced history, culture and art
Geological excursions in Powys Edited by N. Woodcock & M. Bassett,  1993,  0708312179 A geological history of Powys followed by 15 field trip itineraries
*Geological field sketches and illustrations: a practical guide Matthew J. Penge, 2020, 9780198835929 Simple techniques, useful tips and detailed examples on how to draw rocks successfully
Geological field techniques Edited by Angela L. Coe,  Open University,  2010,  9781444330625 Guide to collecting field data on rocks and geological features
Geological history of Britain & Ireland N. Woodcock & R. Strachan,  2nd ed. 2012,  9781405193818 The varied geological history written for undergraduate geologists and professionals
Geological history of the British Isles Hunter & Easterbrook,  2009,  9780749201388 A geological history designed for geology undergraduates and A-level teachers
The geological map : an anatomy of the landscape Eric Edmonds,  1983,  0118807218 A booklet guide to the geological map of UK with more detail of some areas
Geological structures: an introductory field guide Chris & Helen Pellant, 2016, 9781472927262 Clear and informative photographic guide to many geological structures
Geologists’ Association Guide No 1, Area around Birmingham P. A. Garrett et al., 1958, no isbn G. A. guide includes Wren’s Nest and the Lickey Hills
Geologists’ Association Guide No 5, Silurian inliers of the SE Welsh borderland M. L. K. Curtis et al., 1967, no isbn G. A. guide includes the Usk, Woolhope, May Hill and Tortworth Inliers
Geologists’ Association Guide No. 10, North coast of Cornwall W. R. Dearman et al., 1970, 0900717165 G. A. guide covers coast from Bude to Tintagel
Geologists’ Association Guide No. 19, West Corwall A. Hall, 2nd ed. 1994, 0900717572 G. A. guide covers Lands End, the Lizard, around St Agnes, Falmouth and Mount’s Bay
Geologists’ Association Guide No 27, South Shropshire M. Allbutt et al., 3rd ed.  2002,  090071784x G. A. guide includes 15 itineraries
Geologists’ Association Guide No. 38, Plymouth area D. M. Hobson, 1978 G. A. guide covers Dartmoor, Kit Hill, the Start complex and local bay areas
Geologists’ Association Guide No. 39, Lleyn Peninsular P. J. Cattermole & M.Romano, 1981, 0707304148 G. A. Guide to Lleyn Peninsular in northern Wales
Geologists’ Association Guide No. 47, The coastal landforms of West Dorset Ed. Robert J. Allison, 1992, 070730623X G. A. guide includes Black Venn, Stonebarrow Hill, Golden Cap and Chesil Beach
Geologists’ Association Guide No. 63, Geology of East Midlands A. Horton  & P. Gutteridge, 2003, 0900717890 G. A. Guide includes part of Peak District, Charnwood and Jurassic uplands
Geology Debbie Armstrong et al.,  2008,  9780435692117 Well illustrated GCE and A Level geology textbook
Geology and landscape of Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Simon Camm, 2011,   9780906720837 Small book describes the best sites for local geology and  rock types
Geology explained in Severn Vale & Cotswolds William Dreghorn,  1973,  0715341022 Line drawings explain formation of features
The geology of Britain: an introduction Peter Toghill,  2000,  9781840374049 Clear explanation of the varied rocks and landscapes of the UK
Geology of the Bude area, Cornwall Donny Hutton, John Nicklin, TVGS, 2018 Booklet produced for TVGS first field trip May 2018
The geology of continental collision – the SouthWest French Alps Donny Hutton, John Nicklin, TVGS,  2019 Booklet produced for TVGS  field course, autumn 2019
Geology of the country around Droitwich, Abberley and Kidderminster Mitchell, Pocock & Taylor,  1961,  0118807625 British Geological Survey detailed explanation of the Droitwich map 182
Geology of the country around Worcester W. J. Barclay et al., 1997, 9780118845120 British Geological Survey Memoir for 1:50 000 geological sheet 199
Geology of the Jurassic Coast Richard Edwards,  2008,  9780954484545 Explains rock and landscapes of the red coast from Exmouth to Lyme Regis
*The geology of Oxford gravestones Nina Morgan, Philip Powell, 2015, 9781910158531 Geological trails through 6 Oxford cemeteries
Geology of Oxfordshire Philip Powell,  2005,  9781904349198 Illustrated account of the varied geology of Oxfordshire
Geology of Pembrokeshire Brian S. John,  1998,  1872887201 A description of the geology with b & w illustrations
Geology of Scotland Edited by G.Y.Craig, 3rd ed. 1991, 0903317648 Comprehensive account of the geology of Scotland
Geology of Shropshire Peter Toghill,  2nd ed. 2006,  9781861268037 Updated account of varied geology of Shropshire, for all levels of interest
Geology of South Wales: a field guide Gareth T. George, 2nd ed. 2015, 9780955937125 Detailed geology especially strong on sequence stratigraphy
Geology of the Whitbourne District: Technical report WA/90/90  – archive W. J. Barclay and P. A. Rathbone,  1990,  no isbn A British Geological Survey technical report
Geology  – the key ideas David A. Rothery,  2010,  9781444103120 Provides clear explanations of complex geological processes
The Geopark Way: 109 mile walking trail through the Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark H&WEHT, 2nd ed. 2018, 9780955839078 Guide to walking the Geopark Way in 17 sections
Geoscience: understanding geological processes Dee Edwards & Chris King,  1999,  9780340688434 Well illustrated A Level and Ist year undergraduate textbook
Glacial and periglacial environments David Anderson, 2004, 0340812478 A concise and readable introduction with photos, maps, and diagrams
The Goldilocks planet Jan Zalasiewicz & Mark Williams,  2012,  9780199683505 Four billion year story of the earth’s climate
Granite and grit (walker’s guide to UK mountains) Ronald Turnbull, 2009,  9780711231801 Describes in words & photos the 17 sorts of stones that make up Britain’s mountains
A guide to fossil collecting in England and Wales: a guide to the collection, preservation and display of fossils.

Steve Snowball & Craig Chapman, 2017, 9780992997991

More than 50 UK localities are described with over 500 colour photos
Guide to the geology of Martley HWEHT,  2012,  no isbn Local research with plenty of diagrams and photos prepared for the TVGS
The Gulf of Corinth: classic geology in Europe 11 Mike Leeder et al.,  2007,  9781903544235 Geological guide to the Gulf of Corinth in Central Greece with excursions
Herefordshire’s rocks and scenery: a geology of the county John Payne editor, 2017, 9781910839164 An excellent guide designed for a wide a audience, packed with information
Historical geology in maps: of past geology, geography, coastlines and climate … Peter Roberts, 2016, 9781910537077 A simplified, chatty geological history of the British Isles and Ireland
Hutton’s arse , ….. geology in Scotland’s Northern Highlands Malcolm Rider,  2007,  0954190637 Describes the 3 billion year geology of Scotland’s Northern Highlands
The ice age: a very short introduction Jamie Woodward,  2014,  9780199580699 Examines the quaternary ice age and its changing landscapes and ecosystems
Iceland: classic geology in Europe 3 T. Thordarsson & A. Hoskuldsson,  2002,  9781903544068 Guide to the exceptional geology of Iceland with excursions
Illustrated Guide to Church Stretton Area Keith Hotchkiss,  2008,  1874200181 Describes the geology on 4 trails
Introducing geology: a guide to the world of rocks Graham Park,  2010,  9781906716219 Easily accessible and comprehensive introduction to geology
Introducing geomorphology: a guide to landforms and processes Adrian Harvey,  2012,  9781906716325 Easily accessible introduction to geomorphology
Introducing metamorphism Ian Sanders, 2018, 9781780460642 Accessible introduction to metamorphism
Introducing mineralogy John Mason,  2015,  9781780460284 Easily accessible introduction to mineralogy
Introducing natural resources Graham Park,  2016,  9781780460482 Easily accessible introduction to natural resources
Introducing palaeontology: a guide to ancient life Patrick N. Wyse Jackson,  2010,  9781906716158 Easily accessible introduction to palaeontology
Introducing sedimentology Stuart Jones,  2015,  9781780460178 Easily accessible introduction to sedimentology
Introducing sea level change Alastair Dawson, 2018, 9781780460871 Accessible introduction to sea level change
*Introducing stratigraphy Paul Lyle, 2019, 9781780460222 Accessible introduction to stratigraphy
Introducing tectonics, rock structures and mountain belts Graham Park,  2012,  9781906716264 Easily accessible introduction to tectonics and structural geology
Introducing the planets and their moons Peter Cattermole, 2014, 9781780460291 Easily accessible introduction to planets and their moons
Introducing volcanology: a guide to hot rocks Dougal Jerram,  2011,  9781906716226 Easily accessible introduction to volcanology
An introduction to geological structures & maps Paul Olver, G. Bennison, K. Moseley,  2011, 8th ed.  9781444112122 Leads students from simple geological structures to more advanced mapping
Invertebrate fossils Moore, Lalicker & Fischer, 1952, no isbn Classic American textbook comprehensive and well illustrated
Italian volcanoes: classic geology in Europe 1 Chris Kilburn & Bill McGuire,  2001,  9781903544041 Includes Somma-Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei, the Aeolian Islands and Mount Etna
James Hutton: the founder of modern geology Donald McIntyre & Alan McKirdy ,  2012,  9781905267736 Founder of modern geology whose fieldwork proved the earth to be immensely old
Journey to the centre of the earth David Whitehouse, 2015, 9781780228709 Intriguing information on journey from crust to core
King of Siluria: how Roderick Murchison changed … geology John L. Morton,  2004,  0954682904 The story of the eminent 19th century geologist
Krakatoa: the day the world exploded Simon Winchester,  2003,  0670911267 Popular account of the volcano that erupted in 1883
*Lakeland rocks Alan Smith, 2019, 9781785006517 Describes the various Lakeland rocks and where to find them
Land of mountain and flood: the geology and landforms of Scotland Alan McKirdy, John Gordon, Roger Crofts, 2007, 9781780274973 The geology of Scotland’s varied scenery is clearly illustrated and described
Landscapes of stone J.B. Whittow,  1986,  0905483502 Describes the stone underlying Britain’s landscapes and its use in local architecture
Leinster: classic geology in Europe 6 Chris Stillman  George Sevastopulo, 2005,  1903544130 Geological guide to east and southeast Ireland with excursions
The lie of the land: an under the field guide to the British Isles Ian Vince,  2010,  9780330535397 Wonderfully readable introduction to British geology
Life: a natural history of the first four billion years of life on earth Richard Fortey,  1997,  9780006384205 Bestselling popular science biography of rocks and life
Limekilns and limeburning Richard Williams,  1989,  0747800375 Describes history and different types of lime kilns
Lime kilns in Worcestershire Nils Wilkes,  2015,  no isbn 99 looseleaf pages of illustrated research including database of limekilns
London and Thames Valley: British Regional Geology R.L.Sherlock, 3rd ed. 1960 British Geological Survey regional guide
Lost landscapes: the story of the ice age in Worcestershire Herefordshire & Worcestershire Earth Heritage Tust, 2018 Short well illustrated booklet tells the story of Worcestershire’s last half million years
The Macmillan field guide to geological structures John L Roberts, 1996, 0333662954 Guide to rocks and fossils as part of the geological process and environment.
*The making of the British landscape: from the ice age to the present Nicholas Crane, 2017, 9780753826676 A history of the British landscape over the last 10,000 years
Malvern Hills: a student’s guide to the geology of the Malverns D. W. Bullard, 1989, 0861395484 Guide to the complex geology with informative diagrams and exercises
The map that changed the world Simon Winchester,  2001,  0670884073 Popular account of William Smith and his geological map
Minerals of the English Midlands Roy E. Starkey, 2018, 9780993018237 Comprehensive account by county of minerals found with over 900 colour images
Mortimer Forest geology trail Ed. Andrew Jenkinson, 2008, 1874200092 Small illustrated booklet about 4 mile walk to 13 sites
Mountains: the origins of the earth’s mountain systems Graham Park, 2018, 9781780460666 How the earth’s mountain systems have been formed by plate tectonics
Northern England: British Regional Geology B.J.Taylor et al., 4th ed. 1971, 0118840649 British Geological Survey regional guide
The North of Ireland: classic geology in Europe 5 Paul Lyle,  2003,  1903544084 Geological guide includes Giant’s Causeway and Donegal granites with excursions
*Origins: how the earth shaped human history Lewis Dartnell, 2020, 9781784705435 Popular science blending geology and human history
Orkney and Shetland: British regional geology W. Mykura,  1976,  0118801619 British Geological Survey regional guide
*Other minds: the octopus and the evolution of the intelligent mind Peter Godfrey-Smith, 2018, 9780008226299 The development of consciousness in cephalophods
The Pennines and adjacent areas W.Edwards & F.M.Trotter, 3rd ed. 1954, 011880702X British Geological Survey regional guide
Philip’s guide to minerals, rocks and fossils A.C. Bishop,  2001,  9780540074297 Classic identification guide for amateur and specialist
Plate tectonics: a Ladybird Expert Guide Iain Stewart, 2018, 9780718187187 Informative introduction from popular geology presenter, with retro artwork
Plates vs plumes: a geological controversy Gillian Foulger,  2010,  9781405161480 Reviews the plate and plume hypotheses in this paradigm-challenging debate
The Precambrian inlier at Martley, Worcestershire: Martley Rock rediscovered Barclay, Paul Olver, Sue Hay et al., 2013,  no isbn Local research reprint from Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists’ Field Club
Principles of physical geology Arthur Holmes, 2nd ed. 1965 Seminal work which influenced generations of geologists
Remarkable creatures Tracy Chevalier,  2009,  9780007178384 Popular novel about fossil collector Mary Anning
A revised correlation of Carboniferous rocks in the British Isles C. N. Waters et al. 2011, 9781862393332 Geological Society technical report updating the Carboniferous column
The River Teme John Bradford,  2008,  9780954981358 A Journey following the river from Worcester to its source
Rocks: a very short introduction Jan Zalasiewicz, 2016, 9780198725190 A direct and concise introduction to rocks and earth’s history
Rocks, minerals & fossils of the world R. Phillips & C. Pellant, 1990, 0330299530 Excellent photographs with informative text
Rock trails Lakeland: a hillwalker’s guide Paul Gannon,  2009,  9781906095154 Describes the geology for hillwalkers with clarity, enthusiasm and great photographs
Rock trails Peal District: a hillwalker’s guide Paul Gannon,  2011,  9781906095246 Describes the geology for hillwalkers with clarity, enthusiasm and great photographs
Rock trails Scottish Highlands: a hillwalker’s guide Paul Gannon,  2012,  9781906095383 Describes the geology for hillwalkers with clarity, enthusiasm and great photographs
Rock trails Snowdonia: a hillwalker’s guide Paul Gannon,  2013,  9781906095420 Describes the geology for hillwalkers with clarity, enthusiasm and great photographs
Rock trails South Wales: a hillwalker’s guide Paul Gannon, 2016, 9781906095529 Describes the geology for hillwalkers with clarity, enthusiasm and great photographs
S260 Geology Block 1: Maps and landscape Open University,  2002,  749280387 Level 2 student coursebook, well illustrated with questions and answers
S260 Geology Block 2:  Earth materials Open University,  2002,  749280395 Level 2 student coursebook, well illustrated with questions and answers
S260 Geology Block 3: Internal processes Open University,  2002,  749280409 Level 2 student coursebook, well illustrated with questions and answers
S260 Geology Block 4: Surface processes Open University,  2002,  749280417 Level 2 student coursebook, well illustrated with questions and answers
Sand stone and sea stacks Ronald Turnbull,  2011,  9780711232280 An illustrative guide to the geology of Britain’s coast, a non-technical read
*Sedimentary Structures John Collinson  Nigel Mountney, 4th ed. 2019, 9781780460628 Thoroughly revised student textbook
The shaping of the Isle of Wight with an excursion guide Eric Bird,  1997,  0948578831 Describes the geology with maps, b&w photos and 12 excursions
Snowball earth Gabrielle Walker,  2003,  0747568502 How the Snowball Earth theory developed with a focus on the people invloved
The South of Scotland: British Regional Geology D.C.Greig, 3rd ed. 1971, 11880152X British Geological Survey regional guide
South-West England: British Regional geology E. A. Edmonds et al, 4th ed. 1975, 0118807137 British Geological Survey regional guide
The story of the earth in 25 rocks Donald R. Prothero, 2018, 9780231182607 Tales of geological puzzles and the people who solved them
The story of fossils Yvette Gayrard-Valy, 1984, *0500300399 From myths to early palaeontology, well illustrated
Strata: the remarkable life story of William Smith….. John L. Morton,  new ed. 2004,  9789546829122 Smith pioneered stratigraphy and created the first geological map of Britain
Supercontinent: ten billion years in the life of our planet Ted Nield,  2007,  9781847080417 Entertaining look at the supercontinent cycle
Survivors: the animals and plants that time has left behind Richard Fortey,  2011,  9780007209873 Life forms that have survived almost unchanged through geological time
This shrinking land: climate change and Britain’s coasts R. Duck,  2011,  9781845861186 Examines how the British coast is changing and why
Trilobite! Eyewitness to evolution Richard Fortey,  2000,  9780006551386 Readable account about trilobites
*Trilobites, dinosaurs and mammoths: an introduction to the prehistory of the British Isles James McKay, 2019, 9780901702258 Palaeontological Association short pictorial guide through history of fossils
Understanding geology David Webster, 1997, 9780050036648 Comprehensive GCSE text book and introduction to geology
Vanished ocean: how Tethys reshaped the world Dorrick Stow,  2010,  9780199214280 Describes the geology of the Tethys ocean which disappeared 6 million years ago
Vesuvius, a biography Alwyn Scarth,  2009,  9781903544259 Colourful history of famous volcano
*Volcanoes and earthquakes: a guide to our unquiet earth Chiara Maria Petrone, Roberto Scandone, Alex Whittaker, 2019, 9781588346551 Concise and well illustrated accessible guide
Wales: British regional geology M. F. Howells, 2007, 9780852725849 British Geological Survey regional guide
The Wealden District: British regional geology R. W. Gallois,  4th ed,  1965,  118840789 British Geological Survey regional guide
The Welsh borderland: British regional geology J. R. Earp and B. A. Haines,  3rd ed,  1971,  0118801228 British Geological Survey regional guide
*The Western Highlands of Scotland: classic geology in Europe 9 Con Gillen, 2019, 9781780460406 Guide to visiting the geology from Tongue to Loch Lomond
The winelands of Britain: past, present & prospective Richard C. Selley,  2nd ed,  2008,  9780954741921 Describes two millenia of viticulture and the detirming factors of climate and geology
*World of geology: travels to rocky places Tony Waltham, 2019, 9781849954372 110 photos plus explanatory text of impressive geological landscapes
The worst of times: how life on Earth survived eighty million years of extinctions
Paul B. Wignall
Paul B. Wignall, 2015, 9780691176024 Examination of earth’s most extreme extinction event from end Permian times
Yorkshire geology Paul Ensom,  2009,  9781904349648 An illustrated account of the geology of Yorkshire
Geological maps
Church Stretton ; Sheet 166 ; Drift edition ; 1967 Institute of Geological Sciences ; One-inch series
Droitwich ; Sheet 182 ; Solid and drift edition ; 1976 British Geological Survey ; 1:50 000 series
Hereford ; Sheet 198 ; Solid and drift edition ; 1989 British Geological Survey ; 1:50 000 series
Ludlow ; Sheet 181 ; Solid and drift edition ; 2000 British Geological Survey  1:50 000 provisional series
Worcester ; Sheet 199  ; Solid and drift edition ; 1993 British Geological Survey ; 1:50 000 series
UK south sheet ; solid geology map ; 4th ed. 2001 British Geological Survey ; 1:625 000 scale
Building stone resources of the United Kingdom, 2001 British Geological Survey 1:100,000 scale
Oman geological ophiolite project ; maps 4/5 ; 1982 Government of Sultanate of Oman ; 1:100,000
Discovering Geology laminated leaflets
Shropshire geological society:  geotrails
Around the Wrekin From ashes to ice: the making of Shropshire’s favourite hill
Averley & Severn Valley Country Park
Bridgnorth x 3
Llanymynech Hills From corals to coal; quarries to kilns
Wenlock Edge From tropical seas to a wooded escarpment